Monday, February 3, 2014

Groundhog to be Deported...

An unnecessary- nay! a gratuitous photo!- of that entirely unnecessary white stuff currently falling.
What was I saying? I was tired of winter? Oh, you have no idea... So as a punishment, we're getting more snow on Wednesday and even more snow on Saturday!
In any event, I vote to deport the groundhog (along with Justin Bieber). The Canadians seem to enjoy winter so they can have it. That winding trail in the above photo is Bob's handiwork with the famous snow blower. And if you squint really carefully, you can just see Maggie in the distance to the left. We're all hunkering down. I even missed work today because of the snow. (Well, that always is a good thing in a backasswards way; more time in the studio.)
I had spent the morning of February 2nd singing to Jules and myself about how the groundhog could not possibly see his/her shadow as it was completely overcast.But it turns out that the particular groundhog selected/elected to report on the state of all things winter, saw said shadow and fled back underground. I want spring, dammit!
However, we have signed on to do a mid-summer garden tour and I'm excited. (Something to live for!) Bob and I had volunteered our property for inclusion on the Mad Gardeners tour the first year we moved in, thinking it would be educational, instructive and cheeky to present a garden that didn't exist, sort of a "tabula rasa" that we could re-show several years later to contrast what can be done by dedicated and tireless gardeners. But I suspect the committee was utterly horrified at that notion and they declined our gracious invitation. But this year, our fourth gardening here at the BauHaus Chicken Coop, will (hopefully) be a fecund and delightful year. It will be a good excuse to buy lots of lovely and exotic plants and seeds and stuff the beds and borders!
At least the promise of some distant spring event horizon gives me hope that warmer, sunnier days will prevail. The tour is scheduled for July 12th, so mark your calendars.
In the meantime, contact the consulate and deport the bums!

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