Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Don't Try This At Home

Here I am ready to take a shower for the first time after my Great Eye Disaster  I won't go into all the grisly details, but suffice to to say that a brief but tragic encounter between my left eye and a piece of wire fencing made for a bad combination. I was actually ambulanced to Yale New Haven hospital for emergency eye surgery. Eight stitches to close a gaping hole torn in my lens... I will need a lens replacement surgery some two months from now. Oh and of course I essentially cannot see a f%$*ing thing with my left eye, except general movements and light. This really is awful beyond description!
So at least I'm clean (after that long delayed shower) and wearing my brand new eye patch, hoping that I look somewhat mysterious and dashing. But I feel like running around after everyone else and screaming, "Are you crazy? You're opening that box of oatmeal without eye protection??!?! Where are your safety goggles!" Let's hope this works out okay. It will cost a fortune and be a pretty circumscribed existence until
I get further treatment. They cannot, of course, guarantee that I'll ever have perfect vision (or even bad vision!). I am thinking of contacting Dale Chihuly and starting a club for one-eyed artists.
I'm not squinting in that picture- my eye (after trauma and surgery) was all purple and swollen shut. Today it's pink and red.

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