Sunday, June 26, 2011

Last in an Interminable String of Hallucinations!

And then I dreamt that I was a little girl, about seven or eight in a really remote Southern outback. There was a clearing, ringed all around by a vast swmp (the Everglades?) And in the middle of the clearing was a broken down rusted out pick up truck and  a very ramshackle tower that was barely standing. It was made of scraps of plywood and particle board and it was open on a couple sides. there was a ladder in the interior; I think this structure was used as a lookout for hunting or to see if anyone was coming. I was all alone and sort of trying to entertain myself, humming and picking up sticks. I was pretty lonely and aware of that. I looked out one of the openings and I saw a bear. I was scared so I began to call out, hoping someone would hear and schase the bear off. A few minutes went by and then I realized I wasn't alone; there was a young man, (somewhere between 15 to 20 years old?) but he wasn't helping. He looked disgusted and was talking under his breath like it really plagued him thta he had to take care of me or watch me. I was as afraid of him as I was of the bear.
The next thing I knew, someone was hustling me into a car and I was being driven away to a foster home. It had been decided that my family couldn't-or wouldn't- take care of me. I was strangely relieved and yet still frightened as I had no idea where I was going. (I guess I was feeling that no where could have been worse! But they let me take my dog with me; I guess it was the only family member that mattered. She was a large hound type dog.
Remember when my blog was about household fix up? I promise that will return soon. I actually mowed part of the lawn this afternoon. That felt great! Except for drawing a little on the computer, I really can't see well enough to make images in my studio. Let's hope for a speedy eye resolution! (Although, oddly, I feel like I'm seeing a bit better today. Go figure.)

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