Monday, July 22, 2013

Wildlife at the BauHaus Chicken Coop

Ooops! Hahahahaha that's not wildlife, that's me hard at work on the foundation. But figure that it was like 99 degrees and really humid and maybe Bob and I smelled like wildlife.
Lately, there has been a remarkable proliferation of wildlife sightings. While sitting outside and enjoying the evening weather on my birthday, we saw bats for the first time this year. That was especially gratifying as entire local colonies of bats have succumbed to Brown Nose Disease in recent years. We saw at least two and possibly three bats the other night; we're hoping that they're mixed boys and girls and make additional little bats. I applauded their wobbly overhead flight patterns. They entertained us and consumed many mosquitoes that night.
Also not captured for posterity was the Blue Heron that I saw several mornings in a row on my walk. But several other visitors are featured below.
Pretty blurry, but that's our "Deck Toad". He sits underneath the lawn furniture and emerges at night when I take Jules out. I didn't want to disturb him, so I didn't use the flash which resulted in the "atmospheric" photo. He's cute: lumpy and about the size of one of Jules' tennis balls. (Between the toad and the bats, you'd think we were witches...)
Also on my birthday was this appearance of an entire brood of turkeys- several adults and eight babies. I've seen them down past Maggie's pasture, crossing the stream. But on our way out the driveway, in broad daylight, the whole slew of them meandered across the lawn. The background looks wonky because I photoshopped our suburban neighbor's house out of the picture... not for the first time! Hey! They probably do the same for our house; I guess we do count as wildlife after all.

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