Saturday, December 14, 2013

A House Divided

Here's Bob out playing with (the newly christened) Pascal the Snow Blower. I swear he was shooting that snow thirty feet into the air; quite exuberant! But it is a relief to never be in thrall again, to snow plowing extortionistas. We stocked up on basics for the upcoming storm...
Which leads to the current situation of a division among the sexes: The Boys, that would be Jules the Dog and Bob the Sculptor, look forward to the snow and inclement weather. Jules loves the snow; perfect for snow ball making and throwing and general white stuff inspired silliness. Bob will be infatuated as long as there's snow to blow with his new-fangled piece of impressive equipment. Short wok will be made of flakes and drifts!
The Girls, that would be myself (Your Humble Narrator) and Maggie the Mexican Pony, don't care for snow much at all. I don't like it because by default, it needs to be cold in order to snow and I readily confess to a lack of patience for cold weather (even as a child, I never liked the cold). I also hate driving in the stuff and feel generally inconvenienced. Maggie gets bored; I can't blame her. I try and visit with her ever hour or so, but I know she feels that her horizons have been cramped and her hooves are packed with snow balls and require frequent picking out. What has she to do besides stand in her doorway and consume vast quantities of hay? So today, The Boys are happy and The Girls not so much. I may attempt to saddle up my splendid palfrey and ride a bit so as to stave off "stable fever".
Here's what happens when artists snow blow the driveway:
Bob acquaintance with the snow blower brand new and he hadn't fine-tuned the angle of the chute that ejects the snow. We wound up with calligraphy across my studio and the driveway side of the house. I thought that was pretty funny.
At least this storm has occurred on the weekend, removing the necessity of having to go out and do anything crazy like drive to work. Bob and I will work in our studios. I am sure that I'll put up another posting this weekend as I get restless and am forced to remain house-bound as all my gloves are wet through from throwing snowballs for the insatiable dog!

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