Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What Can I Say?

Holy cow! This is an unretouched photo from 5:00 this morning. It's f*&king 12 below! My blood feels like molasses and my brain's not plugged in. It hurt to breath on my (very diminished) walk with Jules to the end of the driveway. That was it.
But I had to go to work and I have to say that I'm glad I was being paid as I was slow n stupid all day long. I just wanted to go home and hibernate...
Here's my poor pony with icicles on her eyelashes- but still alive! She didn't even want her picture taken this morning. I was a pest and finally got her to stand still long enough for me to take this picture. I had to remove my gloves and boy, were my fingers cold! Wake me up when it's over.

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