Thursday, June 30, 2016

Bob Appreciation Post #2

Bob's been busy! Look what he did to the far corner of his studio... added a new window. It makes the whole space not only brighter, but look so much bigger. This was a dark and lonely-looking corner; sort of remote and Bob stored things he didn't need too often there. But now, it feels so much usable. And he has a nice view of our back swamp. Bob also relates that he has a resident chipmunk that lives beneath the window. Free entertainment!
And the grapes have been lovingly tended to. Bob saw a video that recommended placing sandwich bags over the newly forming clusters of grapes to protect them from birds and the weather. This particular vine- a white Niagara- is making something like 17 clusters! We'll have quite a harvest. People who have used this method of grape protection have mentioned that the ripen more sweetly.
And here's a shot of one corner of the vegetable kingdom. Bob has (as usual) done a bang-up job of planting, thinning, transplanting and housing the seedlings in the vegetable garden. And we're already reaping the rewards in the form of delicious tender salads.
I'm kind of behind in the garden world. I'm still planting and trying to figure out what to put into several holes that have appeared. Not to mention that I have weeds and haven't edged yet. Bb tolerates my presence in the vegetable garden where I have an unruly cut flower area... I try!

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