Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Yule Logging

For no other reason than I needed out door-sy exercise, I started sawing up the downed trees in Maggie's field. Bob strained his knee and I encouraged him to forgo any serious physical exertion- like chopping and chainsawing. I took a small bow saw and started at one end.
See? I made progress. It got the blood flowing; I actually warmed up- something that's not been easy as we've had so many damp, gloomy days. I have a penchant for this sort of almost hopeless enterprise. I could wait and let Bob rip through this enormous tree with his chainsaw in a couple of minutes (and yes, he will have to do the big trunk parts!) but I like beginning at one end and plodding along a bit at a time. I think about what people did before power tools. They sawed by hand.
That's weird vortex picture! Not sure how I did that!
I also remember as a kid, getting in a small plastic boat and pushing myself around on our half frozen skating pond and playing "ice breaker". It was pretty useless, me and my miniature wooden oar smashing chunks of ice up but it was fun and I was persistent.
Maggie is shy about having her picture taken but enjoyed my spending time with her. After all, the tree is down in her field and makes it necessary to navigate around it. Maggie seems to have an unusual fascination with tools. When I feed her early in the morning, my flashlight is as interesting to her as the food. And she was very curious about the saw. It's yellow so maybe she thought it was a carrot.

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