Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Sinking Feeling

The "sinking feeling" in my title doesn't refer to the fact that our (now former) next door neighbor informed Bob that we have quicksand on our property. I'm referring to the queasy sinking feeling that comes over me whenever I pause and consider the fallout from the situation in Japan. And how can you avoid being obsessed by what's going on there.

(This  is one of those pleasant, diversionary photos I insert when I want to cheer myself up!)
What are people like us to think; we just bought a house and land with the intentions of doing our best to garden and raise some food responsibly. We use compost and organic practices and are horrified by people who use lawn chemistry and could care less what they do to the environment. And then our government persists in the face of nuclear meltdown to say that they're still confident about providing "safe" nuclear energy! I guess they think you can will the facts away...
I realize that we're far down stream (so to speak) in terms of fallout and immediate threat, but what about the whole world as one little global community that relies on each other and one unified environment. Nothing is containable and it's all local.

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