Friday, February 8, 2013

Finding Nemo (On Your Doorstep)

Villkommen Nemo! Yeah, we're ready... we've got provisions. Bob filled plastic containers with water, and made bread and pea soup. I secured crunchy things in bags and a box of wine (seemed provision-y). We have two gigantic canisters of Trader Joe's coffee of which Bob thoughtfully pre-ground a goodly supply, just in case the power goes out. (That famous October snowstorm of 2011 left us with pounds of coffee that we tried to grind in a mortar and pestle. It took an hour to get the grounds fine enough.) We have a full bag of Doggy Wellness for Jules and a fresh bag of pelleted beet pulp and Equine Senior for Maggie. So bring on that snow.
I watched a few apocalyptic prognosticators on the weather channel, upping the ante as to size and shape of this storm. (Stop with the "Snowmaggedan" already!) There was an over-excited young woman in an oddly fitting green top, flailing and flapping her arms describing what may come. Her male counterpart was bald and stoic (with a zaftig mid-section) who kept drawing upward thrusting arrows to explain the path of the storm; they looked like sexual diagrams. One computer model had Boston being blessed with 60" of snow. They had to add that this was a program that meant this wasn't likely but COULD occur given just the right (or wrong) conditions. They still aren't certain what we're in for. It's snowing here, but not blizzard-like.
Not yet...
But our stream looked nice; all kind of partly froze up yet still flowing. The snow was too fine to photograph well this morning, but I'll try for a late afternoon white-out shoot out. I trust that all my beloved friends and family and fellow artists are at home in their studios and not driving around into some snow bank. Stay safe!

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