Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Whiteness of the Whale of a Snow Storm

Yuk yuk yuk! Bet you thought I'd put up a couple of pictures of snow, like everyone else? That's further down the page! For now, you have to be content with a peculiar computer drawing I did during the blizzard.
Our friend Nemo did not disappoint. We had a good (bad?) two feet of snow, but we hear Trumbull and points south had almost 40 inches... that's a whole lot of snow. Bob and I spent most of the day shoveling, an endeavour that I suppose almost everyone we know enjoyed today. The driveway is still virgin driftiness.
No, I take that back. We were finally plowed and then it became clear that the snowplow man was reneging on his agreed price; 50 shades of extortion. He took our check and then got loads more money from our neighbors- we were supposed to be splitting the cost. Needless to say, many phone calls have flown back and forth and we have yet to resolve this satisfactorily! I'm sympathetic that there is a lot of snow (A LOT OF SNOW) but you can't just change an agreed upon price. The perfidy of plowmen!
Here are some requisite photos. I know; they're redundant as we ALL have too much snow.
Or then there's this stunning shot of the truck:
I'm certain this does nothing to improve our humor. We also shoveled the path all the way down to Bob's studio. That's no mean feat as his studio is way past the barn. No pictures of that! We did manage to emerge from our crystalline squalor and go to the supermarket and secure things like milk and eggs. People were parked rather randomly in the parking lot; a scene of snow-induced psychosis. We are very tired now!

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