Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's Not Easy Being Clean

Gee, I do get to air our worst moments on this blog, don't I? I have no shame!
If you remember my previous blog, I was opining about the state of our house and how it was singing out for a good cleaning. An unfortunate chain of events forced me to have to wash the bathroom floor. And no, that picture above isn't BEFORE; this picture was taken AFTER I washed the bathroom floor... But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I went out this miserable cold, windy, icy morning to feed and water our beloved mare Maggie. With her looking on, I raked out and re-bedded the barn. In all this winter awfulness, she's taken to pissing mightily in her stall. It smells like an accident at the ammonia factory and there are plenty of forkfuls of piss soaked bedding to contend with. (I am seriously considering getting a hundred or so of those little trees that people dangle from their car mirrors and festooning her stall!) I am piling this debris sky-high onto an
emergency manure pile. In all the ice and snow, it has been nigh on impossible to transport the manure offerings to the official pile, so by the gate it resides. It really is hard to be as tidy as we usually are- our horse pasture typically looks pretty spic-and-span. Now it looks like one of those farms condemned for
unsanitary conditions.
So I went back in the house to prepare for my morning walk with Jules. Instead of shedding my boots and carrying them to the other door, I left them on. And then I went upstairs. It hadn't occurred to me that my boots would thaw out and all this lovely horse piss scented snow would dribble behind me, up the stairs and pool in an odoriferous brown slurry beneath my hooves at the bathroom sink. Until I was brushing my teeth and this really bad smell hits me and I realize that it's me.
(Where else on the Internet are you going to see piles of horse shit?)
Anyway, while on my walk, Bob cleaned up the stairs and I when I got back, I vacuumed and then Pine Sol-led the floor. And it gleamed and I felt very righteous. So happy was I that I thought as a finishing touch I would empty the waste basket and all would be fresh and nice. Instead, the above accident occurred and the garbage bag didn't open all the way and all those nasty Q-tips and kleenexes and used dental floss strands stuck together with bits of yesterday's spinach came spilling forth. What is the story of no good deed going unpunished? More shit!

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