Sunday, May 19, 2013

An Equine Update and Marketing My Mexican Pony

I suppose first I must update the alleged "wild animals" (bears, anyone? bobcats? cougars?) that were so distressing our poor Mistress Maggie and causing her to erupt into truly remarkable sound effects... with me following suit, naturally. By the next day, as she persisted in running the fence line and peering through the swamp, we realized she's most likely in heat and attempting to notify the horses next door. I am taking responsibility for the unwholesome possibility that I was likewise trumpeting MY willingness to entertain stallions in the vicinity... which is why Jules looked at me like I was crazy. Don't ask what I was saying in erotic filly speak!
But on another interesting equine topic, now that Maggie's winter fur has all but shed out, you can get a very good look at her brands. She came from somewhere out west, where they do actually brand livestock. (Don't get me started on the barbaric, sadistic practice of branding horses and cows in the first place. Yes, it's permanent and you can track your "property", but ouch!)
On her shoulder, she sports an "E" with what looks like a minus sign next to it. (Above)
On her hindquarters, same side, she has a double interlocking C.
Hey! I think I found out what that one stands for!
So maybe Maggie was either pegged as possible handbag material, or she's showing her fashion forward support of a popular name. Hahahaha.
I have another theory: if you take the "E" from her front end, and add another line to the minus sign and suppose that her hind end actually could be read as "C" to the second power, or squared... I just need to add one last thing to the equine equation:
I knew my horse was smart but she's wearing Einstein's Theory of Relativity emblazoned on her side! Maybe they simply ran out of branding irons before they finished. (God knows , I'm not subjecting her to more pain and suffering.)

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