Thursday, May 22, 2014

Oh, We're Wired Alright

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! That's electrical cable looking pretty much like the squiggly things I cut out and apply to my collages. Bob and I threaded many feet of two different kinds of wiring through my rafters and walls. Who knew that switches and outlets were on different kinds of wire?!?!!? I guess this is why it's a good thing we have an electrical friend named Jonathan...
And this is the main box that Bob and Jonathan installed in my ceiling, where all the wires meet up and get sent to all corners of the room. (Actually, I think my wiring requirements are somewhat spartan as I don't use many tools that require power and really only plug my stereo and my lights in.) this is getting very exciting as I can almost visualize moving into my studio soon...
Look at this! I spent the later afternoon and early evening insulating the walls. I managed to do about half my space today, wearing gloves and face mask and goggles. I could barely breath and the goggles kept fogging up but I got it done. Now all we need to do is sheet rock and then Jonathan can come back and hook up all that lovely spaghetti and I will have power.
And here's another shot of progress on the hoof:
I have an interior door! But doesn't it look a wee bit "Twin Peaks-ish"? I'm sure once the wood wall gets covered with new sheet rock and I paint the door white and the wires are concealed, it won't reek so heavily of cabin and peculiar goings on.... but it IS my studio so peculiar goings on are the norm!
But the door is great: it allows me to shut the studio from my storage/annex room (which is still semi-occupied by living room furniture- although the rug and a chair or two are in my "old" studio and some of my studio stuff has migrated to the "new" studio. I'm in a state of flux and semi-confused!) Let's be real: it is going to take a bit of time before all the dust has settled and I have all my art materials and things arranged before it seems really real. I hope my muses got that change of address post card.

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