Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Floral Interlude...

Wow! I've been so busy that bloggery seems so long ago! Look at how lovely our Magnolia is; I think it's extra pretty because the spring has been so cool. Personally, I love a warmer time of it, but the trees seem to like linger in the cool weather. here's the whole thing:
This will sound nuts, but we're going to mover this tree before it gets any bigger. And we've read that you should move them in bloom, so as soon as Bob gets his chain saw back, move it we will. (We need the chain saw to remove a dead tree where this tree is moving to.) The Magnolia smells great, too. And on the Magnolia front, the Star Magnolia that I gave Bob for his birthday last year isn't deceased after all. We were sure the stellar combination of extreme heat and drought last summer coupled with extreme cold this winter had done it in. It sure was doing a convincing impersonation of a dead tree. But I discovered today that it has leaf buds and I'm relieved. I was searching high and low for my receipt as most nurseries guarantee their stock for a year. (And we're not neophyte gardeners who plant things upside down or do everything all wrong. Not usually!)
Also, we got a tiny- but delicious!- harvest from our second year asparagus planting. My sister Beatrice gave Bob asparagus plants for his birthday last year and they are doing really well.
It's okay to harvest a few stalks this early on...
So maybe it's been good that the spring is off to a late start as we've been busy. We've been working a lot and I applied for a grant and we're still at work on my studio... I'm exhausted just thinking about it all!
And I have only just begun to get psyched about this year's garden. I'm going to bed.

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