Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bob's Vegetable Kingdom

Bob has really made an amazing vegetable garden this year! I think the last time Ii was able to blog regularly. we were just starting some seeds and rearranging the furniture (so to speak) in the garden, the fence needed completing, the compost pile required turning, I had to remove many perennials that were heeled in... there was a LOT to be accomplished.
But just a couple of months later and boy the results are astonishing. Huge ripe tomatoes, tons of green (and yellow) beans, watermelon and squash forming. Bob's growing three kinds of okra (for those that eat that kind of thing). The squash and watermelon plants are particularly aggressive as Bob planted them smack in the middle of the substantial compost pile. One Blue Hubbard squash vine us so rampant that it started scaling the fence in an effort to escape our confines and swamp the neighbor's yard. Bob had to construct a net sling to support the burgeoning fruit as Blue Hubbard squash can become quite large!
Here's one last shot of the vegetable kingdom, this time showing one of four matching gates, Bob erected wooden arbors above to hold the morning glories that surround each gate. It looks terrific!
And as a private joke, I "photoshopped" our neighbor's house and SUV out of the distant background. Would that it were just open space! (On the upper left hand side of the gate).

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