Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hot Potato Space Boots!

Yep, that's my Mexican Pony! I'd recognize her anywhere! Maggie was (somewhat) cooperative about having me apply therapeutic poultices and swaddling her left front hoof. Hence her "Hot potato space boot" look. (She was also very nosy about what my camera was- that's her pink nose attempting to snuff the camera.) But she's been "off" and ouch-y on this foot; hence we haven't been out riding in about a week. The only good thing I can say about that is that it's been so ungodly hot and sticky that if Maggie's got to be out of commission riding-wise, it might as well be when the weather sucks!
Here's a better picture to explain why I run late every morning: I assemble a fine goop of Epson salts, iodine and a bit of water, make a paste, lift Maggie's foot, apply the mixture and then (attempt) to gracefully wrap a disposable baby diaper up around her hoof, securing it all with duct tape. Hey! I'm nearly a pro, having to do both of Crispin's feet last year... remember that hilarity? Believe me, Maggie is much more tolerant and cooperative.
The vet came out to give Maggie her shots on Wednesday. I was able to have him take a look at her hoof, but same as me, he couldn't find any swelling, no sign of heat or abrasions or punctures... just her favoring the foot, every fifth step or so. The good doctor recommended I keep on applying the above dressing, saying if it's an abscess it might take a while to draw out.
Simply another picture of my Mexican pony attempting to do a handstand.
And here's Jules, as he gets jealous if Maggie has her picture taken more than he does. He's very photogenic, but sometimes, surprisingly, a bit camera shy.
He's been busy digging a hole beside the wood pile so as to lay in the damp dirt and cool off. I had been thinking to finish up my garden planting with the help of my capable assistant Jules, but the tree guys showed up next door with uber-loud wood chippers to finish off a brush pile. We were driven indoors by the awful noise. What is it about a suburban Saturday morning that abhors quiet?

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