Thursday, June 27, 2013

What a Fun Guy!

Bob calls to me saying, "Hey! Come and look at this!" A remark like this can go either way: as in a really cool thing to see, or something so gross that you want to hurl.
We practice giving one another these kinds of experiences. I am especially fond of luring Bob to me with a "come hither" look, get him all ready for a kiss and then I transfer something from my mouth to his. He's on to me now, and I usually start laughing while attempting to prevent whatever is in my mouth from falling out... you get the picture. But it's especially effective when you haven't seen what's being "delivered" as just feel alone is sometimes pretty peculiar. Things like marshmallows, partially mouth-melted chocolate; I guess the possibilities are truly endless.
So my first response to Bob was a guarded, "Is it a good thing or a bad thing?" As seen above, it was a really weird thing. On the compost pile were these two orangey yellow blobs that I thought looked like some of that spray in insulation that comes in cans... or an alien's turds. I'm glad I captured this image (with Bob's hand for scale) as by the afternoon, the substance had already transformed into a black slime glop. It's nice to consider just how chock-a-block the universe (and our garden) is with strange life forms!
On a more wholesome note, take a look at how handsome Bob's vegetable kingdom is. Shaping up nicely, with Maggie the Mexican Pony and Compost Queen grazing in the back ground.
Bob's so organized with floating row cover protecting the baby lettuces and cabbages. He's got every square inch planted and we're already dining in high style on radishes, lettuce and peas. The peas! truly wondrous.

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