Friday, June 14, 2013

It's a Dog Eat Dog World (and it ain't no lie...)

Tragically, it was no walk for yours truly and her trusty canine side kick Jules this morning. Despite the wet and chill weather conditions, we booted and slickered up to face the elements; and set out for adventure and fun. Half way down the driveway, I realize that the resident deranged pit bull (I'm sorry: is there any other kind?) who lives in the house at the end of our driveway, is apparently loose and his attendant is frantically attempting to re-secure him. This dog, correctly, spends most of it's miserable, ravenous existence in a chain link enclosure.
But the dog has slipped security and is running amok. I am overhearing this as a large wild rose bush intervenes between our driveways. Suddenly, I see the pit bull sprint past the end of the driveway, so I turn Jules and myself around to proceed post haste back up our driveway, out of harms way. Meanwhile the snarling beast- who, needless to say, is built like a tank- is hurling his way across our other neighbor's lawn in a direct bee line collision course with Jules and myself. We might as well have had large targets or signs reading, "Please Bite Me O Savage One" on our backs. The young man is also running full out. bellowing at the top of his lungs for the dog to stop (and having no visible luck in that department). I'm terrified.
At the absolute last possible second, the possessed hell beast is only four or so feet from Jules and myself and our certain evisceration, and the young man throws himself through the air, directly into another large wild rose bush and tackles the pit bull. Tragedy is averted but my heart is racing and Jules and I fled back up the driveway to the safety of our enclosed backyard to play ball instead.
Okay: we all know, I'm a complete and unabashed dog lover. I go all stupid and droolly and googly when met by almost any dog breed out there. Even dogs I'm not entirely convinced by- things like goldendoodles and little simpering lap yappers and dumb Labradors- are nice until proven otherwise and worthy of a chin scratch or a pat on  the head. But pit bulls? I just don't get it...
Why get- or worse- breed dogs that want to attack and mangle? I suppose I do understand that pseudo-ghetto idea of proving your toughness and having the dog to back you up, but it's still really unnecessary. Dogs (and pets in general) should be fluffy and soft and happy and bouncy. Pets should not be scaly or cold or vicious or substitutes for your small dick. Pit bulls are not nice dogs.
I am so tired of hearing apologists for pit bulls. The people who claim they're lovely dogs, and only trained wrong or handled badly. Not true. They have been bred to have huge jaws that clamp down and hold on. Their prey instinct is legendary. That dog coursing across the lawn at Jules and I wasn't thinking, "Oh boy! Time to play!" He was thinking, "Get! Kill! Now!" Dogs do have a tremendously long history of being hybridized to do very specific activities. Australian Shepards and Border Collies want to herd, Retrievers want to retrieve (just ask Jules...) and terriers want to terrorize (and do a good job, too!). I know that the people who have pit bulls will tell you they are loyal, loving dogs with their families and I'm sure this is true. It's just that you can't take them safely out in public because they view other dogs and cats and animals as dinner. That dog meant business and the poor guy attempting to capture that dog knew it. He was as scared as I was only he was terrified that I was going to wind up bitten and in the hospital and Jules was going to be killed. I saw it on his face...
So, only my morning walk was ruined and Jules is sorely disappointed that he was unable to go on his daily routine- very important business in the dog kingdom. But now I'm scared about the next time I encounter the Hound From Hell.
(The picture of my garden is there as I was hoping to put up a nice post about all the good things going on. Niceness will have to wait!)

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