Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Sophistry of Soffits

As with most projects undertaken, there is often more underneath than meets the eye on the surface. So it is with the beginning stages of Studio 2013. Bob and Joe, the extraordinary team that fashioned a chimney (with a bit of assist from me-especially the lower stages...) are back at it, finding corruption and rot. Just like politics!
Smart men that they are, they aren't going "too far". I mean, the idea here is to fabricate a studio out of a carport for me, that will last (the rest of) our lifetimes. Therefore, the agreement is to shore up what is there and move on. Joe maintained that if it were his house, he'd take the whole wall apart and rebuild. I hastened to admit that that was impossible, as I don't have enough money to do that and the studio. So my studio may help hold up the house wall. We knew there was water damage of long standing happening on that side of the house; remember the wooden cabinet zip screwed to the upstairs wall, hiding serious water damage? This is the outside of it! On Thursday and Friday, they repaired the soffit; or what could be repaired. Today, the started on the beam that will support the roof.
This is the 20 foot long beam that will be the cross member in the above slot that Bob and Joe carved out. They screwed the joist hangers on today and then are hoisting it up to the carport roof and attaching it. I was surprised when I returned from visiting Mommy today, to find Joe and Bob hard at it, zipping and screwing and saws-alling. Surprised and thrilled! Every bit done gets me closer to a new studio.
This is the first day (Bob's wearing a different sweatshirt). Can't you just feel the constructivist enthusiasm? (And you will remark that I have my feet safely on terra firma. They will stay that way!) I love a good project underway.

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