Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor day!

Hahahahahaha. This is what Bob and I do to keep up spirits at the BauHaus Chicken Coop. Bob picked that bifurcated carrot in the garden and it sure seemed anatomically correct. Just wait until the guest arrive for dinner! (They loved it...)
And then later, just to show Bob that you can't have too much of a certain very odd actress, I adapted the milk carton:
Neither Bob nor I understand Tilda Swinton; she's one strange cookie. Someone must like aliens because she keeps appearing in those collage- worthy fashion magazines that I've been deconstructing. Another larger image of Ms. Swinton unexpectedly graced Bob's side of the bed last week. I think we had a bit of fun this labor day weekend despite the rain.
And I made a collage (still in process and a very rough photo) to mark Labor Day:
As an artist, I doubt that I even make minimum wage, but I suppose that's beside the point. But for actual working people, the minimum wage is a complete joke. I seriously cannot believe that there is endless debate that raising the minimum wage even $1 an hour is considered a threat to the western world and there are individuals that claim we'll all lose jobs and businesses will close. Heavens! And what is the minimum wage? Like $8.50 an hour? Who can live on that? Mitt Romney? Paul Ryan? (Remember them?) So here's a big salute to workers of the world and labor of all kinds- even the all important artistic kind!

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