Friday, September 20, 2013

No Time!

The clock in the kitchen inconveniently died this past week. Habit forced Bob and I to constantly look at the wall to see what time it was (or wasn't as there was no clock). After the fiftieth attempt at telling the time, I resorted to a studio version of a clock. It's symbolic of the fact that we have simply had no time to even go to a cheap department store and purchase a clock. (Conceptually it's great; you simply set it to whatever time you wish it was.)
And on to what everyone is really interested in : the studio project. With one thing and the next, such as a seriously ill, hospitalized co-worker, I have had to work extra hours and we have had less time to work on my studio than we had planned. And our friend Joe, whose legs are visible in the below photo with Bob's legs, has also be super busy and unable to come and help with the framing. That left Bob and I to only one day this week.
Bob and I purchased many two by fours, in various lengths, to commence the wall construction. Of course, after careful measuring and laying out of skeleton walls, Bob started up the skill saw. And noticed an odd thing: the supposedly 8 foot long 2 x 4's were all short.
Turns out the lumber yard had given us "pre-cuts" which are great if you're making a standard interior wall. But for us? We needed the extra couple of inches...
So back in the truck went all that wood and we had to return them for the correct wood! A waste of an hour or so, but at least it was a nice day weather-wise and we got to double check our math.
Bob and I feel like we accomplished quite a lot, given the vagaries of a full moon day, but I could use another solid week of working on the studio. I'm anxious (as is Bob) to get that roof up so that all our lovely wood isn't wet, or the crawlspace beneath the floor doesn't get all damp. We'll be at work tomorrow, at least until we need to leave for one of three openings that we're participating in in the upcoming week!
No time!!

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