Sunday, September 8, 2013

Houston, We Have A Floor

Bob and I are so tired! We carried 15 sheets of 3/4 exterior grade plywood around just for fun. That's after schlepping 12  2x6 20 foot floor beams- but I get ahead of myself. The above photo is from yesterday. We put all these metal hangers brackets (that Bob manufactured in his studio) on the aforementioned 20 foot long beams. Each one had to be measured, cut, had the bracket afixed and then get nailed in place, 16" on center. The lay at a 90 degree angle to the 4 x 6 beam (that you can sort of see) in the center of the picture.
The above is a close up of the beams and the brackets. (And a face mask.)
Today we finished up the last two beams and started in on insulation and then the plywood.
I have learned that there is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more to "simple" carpentry than I ever would have suspected. Things like making sure every step is level and putting down insulation and moisture barriers and caulking all the cracks in the insulation with spray in space foam product. It all takes time and concentration.
This picture is a bit overexposed but it shows that we were somehow able to do laundry, too! I took this at lunch time, when we'd finished up the insulation. I think. Boy, that seems like days ago. Like I said, we're both really tired.
So at 6:00, we had finished the plywood, which we had mostly covered with tarps and then I realized I hadn't even documented the finished wood deck. But here's a corner. That's Bob crouching in the upper right, trying to secure the tarp. It was neat to walk around on this flat, solid surface. Bob and I must have screwed in three million screws. (Yes, I am trusted with an electric screw gun! And believe me, it went so much faster with the two of us screwing around.)
We're hoping there is no torrential monsoon before the next stage which involves framing walls and erecting the roof rafters. More fun!

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