Sunday, March 20, 2011

Endless Potential

No, that's not our house in the picture. That's our neighbor to the north east. (We're getting new neighbors as the house just sold a week ago). In any event, this is the site of our future vegetable garden. Interestingly, we own a funny triangular piece of property in  front of this house. What looks like a big flat soccer field is actually half ours and as it recieves sun all day long, it's where we plan to plant vegeatbles.
Just watch this location change! We're putting up a fence soon but first we have to find an elusive pin or pipe that marks the edge of our property. It's all surveyed so it shouldn't be that hard.
Bob and I always maintained that we'd like a buy a property that had a good survey map as so mnay times, people contest borders or are unclear as to what's where. We're lucky that we have a map... if only we could find that pin!
And this is going to be the site of one of the flower gardens. This place really is a blank slate; no gardening to speak of and lots of open grass. It's refreshing to be looking around at unbroken ground and thinking, "Soon enough- flowers".

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