Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hole in the Wall

How exciting is this? I got home from work yesterday and Bob had gotten the wall opened up! I was soooooooooooo happy. It makes my studio look huge! I actually have a doorway. This shot is from the living room (which will be my storage room) into the studio.
Here it is from inside my studio, looking back through to what has been our living room.
Not sure why the florescent overhead light looks hazy, but it's thrilling anyway. You can see all of our living room furniture sort of shoved to one side and looking a bit insecure. The sofa must be wondering what's up.
I had a funny little experience this afternoon while at work. I sometimes communicate with Jules at around 3:00. We sort of mentally check in and say "hi"; call it ESP. I mean, I miss my dog at work and it's not like I can call him on the phone or email him (like Bob) but then I guess I don't have to as we send small messages anyway. So I kept hearing from Jules and I even debated calling Bob to ask if Jules was okay, but I presumed that had anything actually happened to Jules, Bob would let me know. But Jules was sort of poking me and wanted attention, like "I'm here".
When I got home, Jules greeted me extra ecstatically through the fence and seemed fine, but very happy to see me. A while later, Bob tells me that a friend stopped by and they looked at the garden and then my studio. Later, Bob came up to the house for a cup of coffee and he was surprised that Jules didn't come to the door. So Bob walked around the house, looking for Jules. Bob confessed that he even started to worry that Jules had gotten out when he and John were walking around the yard. Bob finally opened the door to my (new) studio, and there was Jules- he'd been shut (accidentally) in the studio. So Jules hadn't been really lost, just temporarily misplaced. But boy did he try and tell me that at work! The next time Jules contacts me so persistently, I'll call home and make sure we know where he is! Smart dog!

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