Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh! The Things You'll See... or Smell

I have been going for a walk every day for years. Generally these walks take place after breakfast and before I do anything else (like work in my studio, go riding, go to work etc). This is such an ingrained habit that if I occasionally can't go early, I spend all day anticipating my walk. I feel it in very fiber of my being.
This winter was a peculiar exception. We had (obviously!) just moved and it snowed what seemed like every day. I wasn't sure where the local hiking trails were located and in any event there was so much snow (as in over my knees) that walking was almost impossible. It was more like wading. To boot, the road was treacherous as it had been plowed so often that it was dangerously narrow and the banks were too high. (People are terminal speeders...)
So I'm happy that the eventual thaw allowed a return to my 14+ year morning ritual. Jules and I have discovered really wonderful places to walk- like at the very end of our road where it turns to dirt and just keeps going. Besides the great exercise, I get to see all kinds of stuff.
Last week I was accosted by the smell of a very dead thing indeed. I am lucky that I interceded before Jules decided to roll in- our taste! the superbly rotting snapping turtle.

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