Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bauhaus Chicken Coop- Historical Note

I can't take credit for that catchy sobriquet- that goes to our friend Elanah. Our house was, in fact a chicken coop in a previous incarnation and sometime around 1950 it was converted into a home. As Bob and I previously resided in a storage barn made into a house, it seems appropriate that the house we finally bought had been something else in a past life. If we ever move again, we will no doubt live in a former gas station or nuclear silo.

One of the many photos we took when we first viewed the house back in August. I think I dimly remember that green material in the picture was something referred to as "grass". Seems so long ago.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys!! so glad you're doing this - it will be fun to watch how your space evolves, since we live so far apart :( I love seeing the picture of your house - way different without the feet of snow and adding daylight! It looks so cool. Welcome to blogland - I'll be back, and hope you stop by, too!
    xoxo Karin
