Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Househole Disaster #4

So I will not go into the upsetting and tedious details here, but we are switching propane companies in mid-stream. (Take my word: comparison shop. These companies are entirely unregulated and it's like the Wild West when it comes to price.) Bob and I have always used wood to heat with oil as a backup so this whole propane thing is new to us. Our new (and almost a dollar a gallon cheaper) propane company sent two guys out in this most recent ice/snow event to set up the three (count 'em) new tanks. They needed to come in and check the pressure or something and I mentioned that from time to time, we smelled gas, which seemed to go away once the furnace kicked on. Here's the guts of the machine. (It has no soul):

It turns out that Baby is sick and needs some new part as it wasn't firing all burners, which accounts for the smell. So the men leave, saying they'll be back later with a brand new $300 part... hooray for money!!
Two hours later, we recieve a call from the company. Wrong part got delivered and the correct replacement is coming in tommorrow... we must manually turn the furnace off and on. This is to reduce the chance of us blowing ourselves to Kingdom Come as there is vagrant gas on the lose. (Need I add that my sister has only minutes before regaled me with a tale of a house errupting into a fireball because of a propane leak?) Now I ask what exactly we should do over night as it does get colder and we may want heat. Technician tells me, "You might wanna crank that heat up higher than usual and get the place really warm." That's great but who's paying for all that propane? Forget sleeping...

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a sister I have who would come up w/ a disaster story like that!
