Sunday, February 27, 2011

Missed Photo Op: The Southbury Police to the Rescue

What was I thinking? We had a close call yesterday and tremendous excitement and where was my camera? Upstairs sleeping. Here's what happened:
Bob went outside to saw some boards under the carport (home of my Future Studio). Our neighbor was outside and warned Bob that a suspiscious racoon (as in staggering as if drunk, out in daylight- possibly rabid) was roaming around and they had lost track of it. Bob promptly went back to sawing. A few minutes later, he comes in to tell me that the racoon was hiding behind some plywood, under the car port, just feet from where he was working. We called "the authorities" (local police) who dispatched a cruiser. (We watched as he drove up to the wrong house. That was funny; Bob had asked if they wanted directions...) Anyway, the policeman called the Animal Control Unit who helped flush the animal away from the house and the BOOM they shot it. So there's the officer with a smoking pistol, the heavily made up Animal Control Unit person (more eye makeup than even me!) with no gloves or eye or face protection and this dead racoon being boosted into a garbage bag by a neck loop device of some kind. And I neglect to photograph this???!?!??? What was I thinking?
Anyway, here's a picture of Jules who had to stay inside during all of this and seems to be asking, "Why don't I ever get to have any fun?"

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