Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rita vs. the Thermostat

When we moved in, the house came equipped with this digital thermostat. Like so many modern day higher tech devises, it seemed to have so factory installed mind of its own and it had some very elaborate ideas as to our "comfort zones".  As previously mentioned, Bob and I are used to heating with wood and the thermostat in our hallway was decorative or perhaps marginally useful to tell you how close to freezing the interior was. But turning up or down was irrelavant.
The first week we owned the house, the furnace was enthusiastically kicking on every few minutes or so, in  a valiant attempt to acheive a balmy 70 degrees as mandated by a manufacturing default. This was nice for the propane company but not so nice for us. The upstairs is a good seven or eight degrees warmer than down, so we were baking when we slept. I, in effect, wasn't sleeping so much as nodding off and then walking up to sprint downstairs three or four times a night to turn the thermostat down and override the system. During an especially wakeful night, I actually read the manual and correctly re-programmed the blasted device. We are now chillin' in the 62 degree range.


  1. nothing worse than paying for heat that makes you throw off the blankets.

  2. This guide is helpful. And it persuade me to maintain my HVAC unit. And take good care of this.

  3. The water heater maintenance guide is much appreciated. I was not that careful for water heaters before reading that article.
