Sunday, January 8, 2012

Product Placement Before 9 am!

Sunday morning found me musing on whether we could establish some kind of product placement in this blog, ala Morgan Spurlock. I was confronted first with Ajax dish detergent and then...
And finally:
Why, this Sunday serendipity could result in all kinds of lucrative advertising. Or at least a year's supply of dog biscuits. Anyone have a connnection to Proctor and Gamble?
On other notes, today Bob felled a few of the scrappy little trees left over by our vegetable garden. The weather continued nice (especially for early January) but a couple of these trees proved pretty darned tough to topple. Bob resorted to several come-alongs and I retreated indoors. One tree produced a tremendously evil noise as it scraped past the carport (otherwise known as my future studio...) but managed to miss it's mark and fall rather precisely between the remaining trees, the carport and the propane tanks. Alls well that ends well. It also porvides fuel for next year's burning. I guess you can't start preparing too soon.

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