Saturday, October 13, 2012

Happy Anniversary to Us!!

Oh boy! It's Bob n Rita's 24th anniversary! Hard to believe we've been alive that long, let alone TOGETHER for 24 years! And as many of you may know, there is the Legend of the First Frost to celebrate.
It is tradition that we leave a basil plant in the garden when doing fall clean up so that we know exactly when our anniversary occurs. See, the first time that Bob and I "hooked up", we were going to make pesto, but it got cold and the basil froze and no pesto, but heap big whoopie anyway, if you get my drift. .
So despite not being married (and believe you me, many of our married friends have been divorced waaaaaaaaaaaaay before their 24th anniversary) we actually celebrate on a rotating calendar, because the frost happens on a different day every year. It's so appropriate that Bob and I, as two dedicated gardeners, acknowledge our relationship in an organic way. Some years, we celebrate several times, as we expect frost, but the basil doesn't die. This year was a slam-dunk sure thing as we were hit hard by a frost last night.
So happy anniversary to us! And many more...

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