Monday, April 21, 2014

Fun (Controlled Destruction)

The view from the other side. This is in our (now) living room looking back at the wall that will be the DOOR to my studio from inside the house.. Notice how I carefully and thoughtfully labelled it? The window will be removed and then sealed over with sheet rock, but instead of going all the way to the corner with the door and putting it where the window is, we opted to move more to the center, in part because the electricity that exists as plugs and outlets in under and near the window. This will make re-wiring easier.
Here we are several hours later:
Boy that was fun! All I could think about all day at work was going home and smashing the sheet rock out of the way and exposing whatever was underneath. I discovered we really do have studs! And insulation! (That was reassuring. You can assume you have these things, but never really know.) It was like an at-home of archaeological dig, uncovering the layers and history of our house. And it was fun to whale away at the wall and watch it collapse- quite easily. (I guess that's why people are able to put their fists through their walls when upset or angry. Although that would have to hurt.) I also revealed the fact that our walls are 24" on center, not 16". We'll only have to remove one stud and reinforce the outer studs. There's this interesting temporary reinforcing that we'll have to do to support the wall when installing the new header and side uprights (which have a name that escapes me right now...)
At least we can see what we're doing with the wall board removed. The living room is less a living room with all the furniture stuffed into the other side and the sofa crammed up against the book case. Remember that Sheldon and Louise slept here only a few days ago and now it's a construction site. Progress!

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