Monday, April 14, 2014

I Fought the Law and...

Sheldon and Louise have left, and the house feels oddly empty. Just before they departed, they presented Bob and I with two forsythia bushes. (I have a photo of the plants around here somewhere, but am using the forced forsythia in a vase as I can't seem to find my picture. I've been disorganized lately, so the picture above will gave to suffice.) Any kind of plant is a great gift. Thank you!
On Friday morning, a lot was happening. I had to be at work a bit earlier than usual and Sheldon and Louise were preparing to depart, so it was even more chaotic than is typical. It was therefore in a flurry that I went out the door and "put petal to the metal" as they say. I do drive a little over the speed limit on good days (who doesn't?) but on Friday I was really booking. As I rounded a bend on Route 109 in Morris (not far from the fabled Stoddard House that Bob and I almost purchased three times), I spied a police car parked in a recessed driveway. It had been there a few times earlier this month, so I should have remembered and slowed down. Too late, I hit the brakes and tried to look nonchalant as I sped past the cruiser. Sure enough, there were festive flashing lights and sirens in my rear view mirror.
I rolled my window down, with my license at the ready and said, preemptively, "I'm sorry. I know I was speeding. But I'm late for work and I've had house guests for almost a month." The officer asked me where I worked, replying, "Interesting". when I told him and he returned to his car. I sat, stewing in my own self pitying juices, thinking how I was going to get an expensive ticket and how I hadn't even considered until then that my stupid emissions sticker was expired and great! I still have my "Dogs Against Romney" bumper sticker- life sucked! He let me sit for quite a while. (I was going pretty fast. It's only a 35 mph speed limit).
But then the police officer finally returned , he said, "I'm letting you off with a verbal warning". $%!^!$!&^!!!
Wow! The great gods of all things traffic really smiled down on this law breaker! I don't know if there's a moral to this story, but I got an apology and a break on a ticket in one week. And two forsythia bushes. Sweet.

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