Sunday, September 16, 2012

Glue Factory Here We Come!

I often make temporary pastures for Crispin out on the lawn. I make sure to check up on him a few times a day to be certain he hasn't escaped or "gotten in trouble" or, well... died. Witness the above photo- down for the count! The first time I caught him napping like this, I thought I'd killed him like he'd eaten poisonous lawn ingredients or something. Horses have notoriously sensitive digestive systems. But he was merely getting a bit of shut eye. (He is fortunate to be so relaxed! Very unusual for him!!)
He was actually snoring and twitching like some gigantic dog. I went back to the house, secured the camera, snuck over to him and snapped the below sequence. I think he was basking in the wonderful warm late summer sun...
He woke up and shook off his sleepiness, much as you or I would do...
All 900 or so pounds of horse rolled to one side and then rocked back...
Sort of centered himself and then...
lurched to his feet, looking very pleased with his little snooze.
Too bad that Crispin and I have had such a rocky relationship! But we're like the classic couple in which neither partner is bad but together it just doesn't work anymore. I am hoping that I have arranged a good conclusion.
On Wednesday a woman that I met who owns a horse farm is bringing me another horse, Maggie by name. Crispin is going back to Dayville in her place, perhaps as a beautiful and lasting solutionculminating in equal exchange. I think Crispin will be happier with other horses around, in a "school" setting, where there is order and routine. I think he needs a secure environment. I am really hoping that Maggie the Horse is destined to become my little trail buddy. I'll let you know what happens!

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