Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What Time is it Anyway?

A favorite pass time when I can't sleep is to play on the computer and make blog entries.( I'm obviously being ironic as not sleeping is definitely not my idea of a good time!)  But Bob read somewhere that the worst thing anyone can do is attempt to force sleep on one's self and it is preferable to get up and do another activity such as read.
I therefore find myself looking at redundant emails and yesterday's Facebook messages and staring at the clock. And that leads to the point (if there is one) of this blog posting.
For the past month or so, I have experienced an odd and remarkable phenomenon: whenever i check the time, it's a symmetrical reading as in the above. At work the other afternoon, it was 3:33 when I looked. In the kitchen on Sunday morning, it was 11:11. When I awoke this morning, unable to return to sleep, it was 1:11. And now it's 2:22.
Doesn't mean a bloody thing, but it's interesting!

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