Sunday, September 2, 2012

Post Party Posting

Well I am happy to report that the party Bob and I gave was a smashing, rousing success! Wonderful, well attired (matching striped togs no less!) interesting denizens of our art world (and beyond) milled and mingled on our manicured lawns, consuming red wines and white and sampling exotic dishes in plastic bowls. To a one, the reports of fun had and conversations indulged in were all raves.
This morning, I crept outside a bit later than "normal" (about 6:oo typically) and began to document the waste laid and the piles left. there were some impressive remains.  I like the aftermath of a good social function!
I also perversely enjoy the accidental marriage of the edible and the not. My studio table bore some pretty handsome mash-ups.
Several outdoor chairs bore mute testimony to the post-party tiredness that overcomes us. Bob and I (and even Jules the Dog) snuck upstairs for a well-deserved nap this afternoon.

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