Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Head First Over the (gasp!) Fiscal Cliff!

As I mentioned to all of my Facebook-abiding friends, I love phrases like "The Fiscal Cliff". Someone dreams up these slogans for some dire event on our horizon and that's all you here for a few weeks or maybe months. Like "credit default swaps". Or "QE2" (which I initially thought was that big cruise ship). As quickly as they spiral into virality, they flame out and no one ever utters them again. When was the last time the phrase "zombie bank" crossed your lips?
So it is my (self appointed) role as Guardian of Today's Meaningless Phrase to immortalize these terms in works of art. (See the detail above; I'm in the middle of this piece and I'm psyched! I could use a week or so off from work to complete it). Other works are to follow and are in process on my studio tables. "Sequestration" is next up! (Who invented that? I was on the Internet checking on how to spell such a monstrosity!)
I am certain we all appreciate that these disasters, financial and otherwise, are all cooked up by Congress people with nothing better to do than create games of brinksmanship. All are zero-sum exercises that neither this side nor that will "win". I just hope that President Obama holds his line, does not capitulate (as he was far too willing to due during his first term) and drives those crazy republicans over the edge. Why is it that people with the least money and the most to lose seem inspired to believe the lies and self-serving policies of the greediest rich? At present, the republicans want to raise the age of social security, raise taxes on all of us (underachievers!), eliminate things like mortgage deductions and doom us all to penury so that they (who never need rely on social security or medicare) can keep more of their filthy lucre. Now why there hasn't been a revolution is beyond me; I suppose Fox News, TV in general and shopping at the malls for Xmas has trumped any real concern for "our future".
But hey! At least it gives me fodder for my artistic mill. Now I need to go check the spelling on "sequestration".

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