Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Horse, Old Joke

Welcome to maggie the Horse! Not a great picture, but what a sweet little horse! Just what the doctors ordered! Maggie is so much the opposite of Crispin: small(er), dark (almost black), a mare (vs. a gelding) and cheerful. Crispin seemed grouchy- or at least preoccupied- much of the time. And he wasn't happy on his own here, always pacing and looking for a friend (other than me). He was uneasy being ridden "in the wild" and as I don't have a riding ring, Crispin and I had an awkward and unsatisfactory arrangement. Like a bad relationship! Neither party is terrible, just wrong for each other. I am assured that he's happier now, back in a "stable" environment.
Maggie on the other hand, is quiet and sane and thinks things over before reacting. I have to seriously consider my safety while doing bizarre things like climbing on the back of a 800 plus pound animal and galloping off into the sunset. I don't have an extra eye and I'm not looking for pyrotechnics and extreme sporting events... just a mosey up the trail and the occasional joyous canter. I think I've found a partner.
Fortunately, my tack fit Maggie just fine. She's smaller than Crispin, but not that much so Crispin's girth is simply up a billet hole or two. The bridle was funny, though. Maggie has a very long face so I actually had to drop the caveson and check straps down for her. But the bit fit fine. (Reminds one of the old joke about a horse walking into the bar...)
The vet is coming to check her in a week or so and we're hoping for a clean bill of health. In the meantime, I wish the weather would cooperate and give me a couple of warm(er), sunny days. It's been darned chilly riding the last couple of weeks!

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