Friday, July 29, 2011

A Brookside Surprise

Bob discovered this healthy clump of lobelia one afternoon- it might have been on my birthday. I wish I could have captured the hummingbird that was alight on it when Bob first took me down by the bridge where this lobelia is growing in muck in the middle of the stream. Spectacular!
We are so lucky to keep having an amazing range of wildflowers and birds appearing in our backyard. Turkeys, bluebirds, the bats we saw the other night. And we know we have deer, but they've been incredibly well behaved thus far and haven't (yet!) dared to eat my unprotected hostas. I realize I am tempting fate by having this veritable deer salad bar unfenced...
I'm trying to concentrate on the interesting and beautiful things that I can (sort of) see with my one eye. I am aware that many people walk around like this their whole lives so I suppose I shouldn't complain if I exist in a visually impaired state for a few months. (And let's face it: I'm opting for optimism about what my sight will be like after the cornea transplant. Doctors love to boost the best possible outcome and I'm imaging it will accomplish nothing but to bum me out if I consider that my vision will never be the same as it was...) Anyway sometimes when watching bats and birds and the flowers filling in in my garden, I can almost forget that I can't see well. That's a good thing!

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